
Thursday, March 3, 2016

Lent & Elections

Hello, March! Hi, Mom! How in the world is it already March? Here in Texas, it's still super warm but March has "come in like a lion", as the old adage goes. Sometimes I think God likes to remind me of home when I miss it, so He gives me 30 mph winds. I'm not that mad about it.

I don't have another race for a couple of weeks, and Ella is just growing, biting everything, and being adorable, so I wasn't sure what I wanted to write about this week. Then it dawned on me: it's the season of the 2 E's. Easter and elections. Stick with me here. You'll see how they're related soon enough.

I grew up in mostly non-denominational churches where Easter was a huge deal, as it is in most Christian churches. However, there was no Easter season; it was simply Good Friday and Easter Sunday. Occasionally I'd see friends or classmates walking around with soot on their foreheads on Ash Wednesday but didn't think twice about it. Then a couple of years ago I started to research Lent a little more. Through my research, I decided it is actually a pretty cool season to participate in and joined in.

Why do I celebrate Lent? Is it to get extra "points" or "level up" in Heaven? Is it to cancel out some of my sins and have God look at me in a better light? No, no, and no. None of it is about me, nor do I ever wish my salvation rested on my fallible human self. In celebrating Lent, one typically gives up something worldly or something that takes time away from Jesus. In addition, you typically add more Jesus to your life.

It's easy as a Christian (or at least for me) to fall into a rut, reading my bible, praying and going to church. These things are all extremely valuable in my daily walk, but any time I can get more of Jesus and less of the world and myself, I think it's pretty important to jump all over that opportunity. There is never enough Jesus in my life, and there is always too much Jenica. Jesus literally DIED on the cross; a painful, agonizing death that He in his human state felt every last bit of. And I think I'm too "busy" or forgetful to pray or memorize scripture? Yeesh.  It's my hope that even after Easter is over, God will graciously keep me on the path toward Him.

So what does Easter have to do with the elections going on right now?

Lately, there have been posts all over social media about why one candidate should win and why the others are garbage. Blah, blah, blah. I also work with the public so there's a fair share of political conversation there too. The main issue I have with everyone debating over all of these candidates and their stances is this: Jesus gets no place in it. I hadn't really thought this way until recently, but it's so clear how selfish and just worldly we are in this country.

You see, we know from reading scripture that God's Will is purpose. We also know that He also has planned and thought out every moment of time from before Adam & Eve all the way through eternity.  I get that there is confusion about elections and who runs the country by people who don't know God. But Christians getting bent out of shape? That baffles me. If you profess to know Christ and believe in His plan, I challenge You with this: chill out and let God run the world, because your imperfect human self is 100% incapable. Before you get angry about me being judgmental, please know I'm also speaking directly to my own brain here. I frequently get fired up about different issues (mostly sports, but occasionally politics) which just says to God, "look at how smart I am; why should I follow You?"

During this Easter season, I challenge you (and myself) to remember the power of Christ and His sacrifice. If He can die on a cross then raise again 3 days later, I'm pretty sure He's got this year's future president in His hands too, whether or not you or I like the outcome of the race. Keep this in mind: in the end, Jesus wins. And if you're saved by His grace, you win too. Heaven is going to be so much cooler than the U.S. And with that understatement of the year, I bid you adieu until next week.

PS Who are you voting for?
PPS If you have trouble believing or understanding this, why? And how can I explain?

Twitter: @jen_being_jen
IG: @jenbeingjen

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