This week as I was pondering topics to write about, I kind of had a writer's block. Then on the drive home last night in between listening to podcasts and teaching Ella how to whip/nae nae (she's a natural), it hit me: Easter.
Easter is a broad topic, but how could I not proclaim the gospel on the weekend we set aside to formally celebrate it as a holiday? My drive back to Kansas found me on the road until the wee hours of the morning, but my thoughts were vivid and clear. Just like I was driving to my earthly "home", Jesus was slain on the cross so that eventually I can really go HOME.
This weekend is the actual turning point in history, in the present, and in the future. God sent His son, one precious son, and He in turn endured the most painful death a human could go through. All the sins of the world, ever, were abolished because He submitted to His Father's will to bear your sins, my sins, the sins of the literal world population. Then he lay dead in a tomb before rising from the dead. You guys, He was resurrected on the third day, and because of that I get to spend eternity in the best home, heaven.
Coming back to Kansas and spending time with family and friends is such a blessing, and I do enjoy it immensely. The joy I get from it though, is not even one iota of comparison to the joy, awe, wonder, shock, love, etcetera I will experience when the few short years I'm on this earth are through. That's what gets me going, not trivial earthly pleasures, people, places, or things. Heaven can't come soon enough, but while I'm here I get to tell y'all about Easter and what it means to our lives.
Does everyone go to heaven at the end of their lives? Nope. That'd be cool, but in Romans we see "those whom he predestined he also called, and those whom he called he also justified, and those whom he justified he also glorified." I can only hope and pray to be an instrument He uses to open hearts and eyes.
Easter is more than bunnies and eggs. It's the only thing that matters. You and I and our eternal destination fully depend upon what happened on a blood-stained, wooden cross, and we are alive in Him because He overcame the grave and was resurrected.
If that doesn't humble you and cause you to fall on your face I don't know what will. Think about that in between your next handful of jelly beans.
PS what's your favorite Easter candy?
PPS on a scale from 1-10 how elated are you that Jesus died for your poor soul?
Twitter: @jen_being_jen
IG: @jenbeingjen
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