
Wednesday, March 9, 2016

I Just Want Some Chocolate!

Happy hump day, readers (hi, MOM)! It's been SO rainy here this week. I am thankful it's not snow or ice, but man I miss the sunshine. Everyone down here always says, "just remember you said that when it's 100 degrees this summer", to which I respond "oh, I know; that's why I'm down here and I don't complain when it's hot". I live for sunshine and warm days.

As many of you remember, I started a Whole30 about 3 weeks ago, which means yes, FINALLY, I'm on the home stretch! YAY! I also have a confession: I'm kind of a Whole30 fraud. So the story goes, Saturday some ladies from work had a baby shower for a co-worker who's pregnant. Of course, there were all kinds of delicious snacks and treats to eat, which I avoided. I had some of the ham and lots of fruit off the fruit tray. Easy peasy. Then, the leftover cake was left at my house. 


I had already planned to freeze a piece for next week when the Whole30 is over. So I was cutting the cake up into different pieces to freeze and take to others who hadn't made it to the shower. I got some icing on my finger and the rest was history. Ya'll don't even KNOW how much I love cake, much less homemade, delicious cake with perfectly buttery icing.

I may have had some of the cake. Or a significant amount. Whatever.

Did it derail the Whole30? Technically, yes. Did I just throw in the towel and completely quit? Heck no. I got back on track and I'm going to finish strong. 

I have been struggling SO hard this week though, thanks to hormones (girls, you know what I'm talking about). I JUST WANT CHOCOLATE! I even have, like, 2 bags of "paleo" chocolate chips in the pantry, but I'm not gonna do it. No sir-ree. There is plenty of fruit in the fridge, and I've got some dried jackfruit in a pouch which is pretty sweet too. If you haven't had jackfruit before, you should seek it out and try some! It's similar to pineapple, I think.

Like I mentioned in my previous post, I feel way better and way more energized since I've begun eating this way. However, I can't wait to eat the frozen piece of leftover cake and have a donut or two. I'm trying to figure out moderation, something that's never come easy to my black & white, no gray area, self. 

Thanks for reading my little vent session; I hope it provided a little laughter or entertainment! By next week's blog post, hopefully KU will have won the Big XII tournament and I'll be sharing about my 5K and time with my family! :)

PS What's your favorite healthy sweet treat?
PPS What's your favorite cake flavor?

Twitter: @jen_being_jen
IG: @jenbeingjen

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