
Saturday, September 19, 2015

Balloons & Injections

I can count on one hand the number of times I've missed a running race due to sickness; in fact, I can count on one finger. It happened this morning. This post was supposed to be my very first race recap after running the Plano Balloon Festival 5K this morning. I signed up for the race a couple of months ago, and was planning to run it with a friend named Celeste, who I met through a running challenge group on Facebook. All the details were planned out, she kindly picked up my race packet, and we were ready to meet and run at 6:15 this morning. The Plano Balloon Festival includes hot air balloon launches, running events, and concerts. I was so excited to run amongst the hot air balloons, as I have never been very close to one before, and I think they look so neat!

Then, strep happened. I started noticing some congestion and pain in my chest Thursday. Then I woke up at 3 on Friday morning with a 101 degree fever. I was able to take some medicine to get my fever down and feeling up to working on Friday. I don't "do" sickness, so I was sure with continued medicine, hydration, and some sleep, I'd be perfectly fine by this morning and the 5K would go off without a hitch. Boy, was I wrong. Again, I woke up in the middle of the night with horrible fever, a headache, and a sore throat. I have always caught strep throat really easily, so I took one look into my throat, and saw the infamous pus pockets (disgusting, I know) and knew I wouldn't be running any races.

Instead of sweating under a sky of hot air balloons, I spent a couple of hours in urgent care, only to have my suspicions confirmed. I know many people are anti-antibiotic, but I felt this was the quickest route to feeling normal again. So, one rocephin shot and an azithromycin prescription later, I'm on the fast track to health again. Of course I did check with my brother (a future pharmacist) to make sure these treatments were necessary & would help me heal quickly. My mom (hi, Mom) also gave me a bountiful to-do list of natural remedies to sickness as well. 

I guess sometimes I need reminders that I'm human, and can get sick. I have another race planned next weekend, countless training runs, and in less than a month I'll be running my fourth half marathon in Omaha! As for now though, I will be spending the rest of the weekend sleeping, eating chicken soup, Netflixing (yes, it's a verb), and watching football. I promise more exciting race updates in the future! :) 

PS The doctor's office said strep is, in fact, going around in full force. So SEE a doctor ASAP if you have signs & symptoms. It's not something to let linger.
PPS Comment below with your favorite Netflix shows. I'm almost finished with Friends, so I'll need a new show soon. ;)

Twitter: @jen_being_jen   IG: @jenbeingjen 

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