
Thursday, January 21, 2016

My Favorite Podcasts!

Hi everybody (hey Mom)! Welcome to the third straight week of JenBeingJen. Current status: cold, heater-less, and sitting on the couch in fuzzy pink socks drinking decaf coffee (I know, who am I? Decaf?). Winter storm Jonas has made it to Texas. It might actually be below 40 degrees, and the wind is COLD! I've heard lots of people say your blood thins once you move to Texas, and my already thin blood must be nearly water at this point because I am freezing. I can only be thankful I have my cute little house, a warm KU snuggie, and an overabundant supply of warm blankets.

 I have to admit, I was toying around with several different ideas on what this blog post should be about. I thought of a few deep and meaningful topics, then axed that idea; then I thought about a post entailing why I love KU basketball even though they have let me down lately, but who cares; then finally, I thought of a fun idea that could maybe even help out others: a post about my top 5 podcasts!

I used to think podcasts were lame talk radio shows for losers and squares. Either they aren't lame, or I've turned into a loser and/or square. I choose to believe it's the former. I listen to a podcast every morning while I'm getting ready for work. It helps get my brain going, teaches me about different topics, and occasionally gives me subject matter to talk about with everyone I come across while at work. In this post, I'll tell you about my five faves, and give a little description so you can add some variety to your podcast playlist, or for some of you probably, check out your very first podcast.

1. Girls Gone WOD Podcast: This podcast is numero uno on my list right now. The hosts, Joy & Claire, are so real and relatable. They are crossfitters, which I am not, but they give advice on a wide variety of topics. They talk about their lives, their training, and topics most women athletes can relate to in some way. Claire also just had a baby, so this would be a great podcast for new mommas to listen to, too. I find myself laughing along with their stories while I'm doing my makeup more frequently than I'd like to admit, but that's why I love listening to these women. I feel like they're two women I would probably be friends with if I lived in Colorado (and did Crossfit, etc. but that's beside the point). The topics they discuss are something that plain Janes like me deal with on the daily, whether it's food issues, training burnout, or handling patients for a living (Joy is a psych therapist). If you like fitness, being a woman, or the health world, check out an episode.
2. NPR's Ask Me Another: This podcast is hands-down the funniest podcast on my top five. Ask Me Another is a trivia game show. Going on a game show is on my bucket list. I'm hoping it's Wheel of Fortune or Jeopardy, but I would gladly be a contestant on Ask Me Another. The show is based in NYC, so its hosts and audience are a bit on the liberal side, but it's still super entertaining. The games are always different, and they're always moderately ridiculous. That's why it's so funny, though! I love playing along while I do my hair. It's also a really funny one to listen to in the car- it makes the miles fly by!

3. Harder to Kill Radio: OK, I'll admit it. I have a major girl crush on Steph Gaudreau and have since I discovered her "Performance Paleo Cookbook." I am a proud owner of some of her Stupid Easy Paleo gear, and was so excited when she finally came out with a podcast. Steph is a former endurance athlete turned crossfitter turned olympic weight lifter. She is a major advocate for strong, healthy women (and humans in general), and she preaches muscles and being fit are awesome. She also coined the term "Quadzilla", a goal I'm still working toward. In her podcast, she interviews a ton of different people, from athletes to chefs to self-defense teachers. All of them have meaningful information and advice on becoming "harder to kill". Steph is a laid-back San Diego girl, so she's easy to relate to and easy to learn from. Told ya, big time woman crush.

4. Paleo Hacks Podcast: Hosted by Clark Danger, one of the best radio voices I've EVER heard, this podcast is about different facets of paleo lifestyle. No, I'm not completely paleo, but I hope to lean more that direction as time goes on. You don't have to be 100% paleo to enjoy this podcast. Danger interviews different physicians, PT's, coaches, and nutrition experts on various topics relating to long-term health and well-being. He also interviews some random people who have done really cool athletic feats, or have done groundbreaking nutritional challenges. This podcast isn't necessarily humorous, but it's extremely educational, so if deep down you're a straight up nerd like I am, you'll be sure to gain knowledge and practical life applications from the Paleo Hacks podcast.

5. The Paleo Women Podcast: Apparently I'm a huge fan of Paleo podcasts. I think it's that I'm trying to get these healthier influences on my life so I will put down the cheetos and ice cream. Halfway kidding, but in all seriousness, these podcasts have helped me to make some good changes in my life. The Paleo Women Podcast is hosted by Noelle Tarr & Stefani Ruper. I had read a book by Stefani about a year ago, and came across Noelle's work through an episode of Harder to Kill radio. Noelle runs Coconuts & Kettlebells, which is a really cool company. This podcast is obviously geared toward females, and discusses paleo nutrition and lifestyle, mental/psychological struggles, period/pregnancy issues, along with lots of random sprinklings of stories of their daily lives.

Honorable mention podcasts: NomNom Paleo and Pursuing Health with Julie Foucher. These two podcasts are also great to listen to, but if I could only choose 5 to listen to, I'd pick the ones I detailed above. Thanks for sticking with me and I hope you give one or more of these podcasts a chance!

PS What is your fave podcast?
PPS What are you doing to survive winter storm Jonas? I'm ready for spring!

Twitter: @jen_being_jen
IG: @jenbeingjen 

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