
Sunday, January 3, 2016

2016: The Lost Year

Happy 2016, everyone (hi Mom)! That feels strangely normal to say, probably because I'm thrilled to be moving forward in life. 2015 was just a weird year (not bad, just odd), and as you'll see in the upcoming few paragraphs, I've got some fun things planned for 2016! For the past few days I've been making so much fun of the "New Year, New Me" makes me laugh every time I hear someone say that. Just, no. I'm not a big believer in resolutions, but I am a huge fan of goals. 

Last year, I wrote down a list of goals in January, breaking them up into categories such a occupational, fitness, monetary, and "life" in general. I achieved about 90% of them, which I think means my goals weren't big enough, right? I've set some new goals this year, some of which are pretty lofty but I think that's necessary for growth. Keep reading to find out some of 2016's goals I've set...

As far as the JenBeingJen empire -yeah, I said it- I hope to increase my blogging. I'm really going to strive for one post per week, whether it be on a race, a vacation, or even book/music reviews. 

First off, I'm going to just list my top 5 life/running/travel goals for the year. Of course there are additional goals, but I won't bore you with that list. Here are the most fun and important:

1. Run one race per month--- There is something exhilarating about lining up at the start line, even if you're not going to come close to winning. I am getting butterflies just thinking about it. I can't wait to share all of my race experiences with you all either!

2. Strength train at least twice per week--- 2015 was too much running and cardio, not enough lifting heavy stuff and putting it back down. I feel better when I'm stronger, and truth be told, I'd rather never deal with how my body felt last year after wearing it down.

3. 2 rounds of Whole30--- For those of you who don't know, a whole30 is eating only whole foods for 30 straight days. I did one last April, and I'm ready to do a couple this year. I'm learning so much about food as fuel, especially when it comes to the training lifestyle I'm striving for, so feeding my body adequately and truly treating it as a temple is becoming more and more important.

4. Leave the country--- Yeah, this is probably the most bold goal I've got so far. It's also probably the one least likely to be achieved. I have a couple of ideas of where I'd like to go, but nothing concrete yet. Traveling is just one of my passions, and I am ready to put some stamps on the passport. You better believe I'll be sharing if and when I go.

4.5. It's my blog, I can do a half goal if I want. I really want to go on a mission trip this year. It's been on my heart and mind for awhile now, and I hope that this is the year it actually happens. Whether or not I'll leave the country for said mission trip, I don't know yet. I just know I need to go tell people about Jesus & show them what He's like.

5. Learn to play guitar--- While home this past weekend, I sat down and played piano for a few minutes. I have always loved playing the piano, but that's something I don't have in my house [yet]. My mom bought a guitar for us a few years ago and it's been sitting in the basement for AWHILE. I brought it to Texas and am bound and determined to play it. I will at least learn Mary Had a Little Lamb by 12/31/2016. Heck, I may even post a video.

The rest of this post needs to be and is going to be devoted to an area I absolutely need to set goals in the most: my spiritual life and growth. Last year, I read the Bible- the entire thing. As I mentioned in my last post, I also got more involved in a solid church. Both of these activities increased my faith and my desire to pursue holiness. 

In recent conversations with friends and family, I was discussing my relationship with God and just different areas of struggle in my life. Again, I won't bore you with details of all of that. After lots of thinking, contemplation, and tears (yes, I cried, sigh), I was hit with a hard, hard truth: God is not my #1. I made idols of running, shopping, and yes, even dating. So many things in my life built up and just overtook God for #1, and for that I'm ashamed, yet blessed once again by grace unfathomable.

I've wrestled with this for some time now, but through the aforementioned conversations I've begun to pray more fervently to have a heart only for God. Some days it feels like I am just falling and grasping for a rope dangling in front of me but I can't get a hold on it, just because I leave my hands by my sides and don't reach out for it. God is the rope, and to  reach out and grasp it, I need to pray, read His Word and shut out worldly distractions and temptations. 

I got to go home this past weekend, and was able to go to my parents' church, Sovereign Redeemer Church (link to church, where you can find 1/3/16 sermon), where the sermon was about Philippians 3:1-11. I had been trying to think of good passages of scripture talking about seeking Jesus, and God knew exactly what I needed to hear. In v. 8-9, Paul says "I count everything as loss because of the surpassing worth of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord. For his sake I have suffered the loss of all things and count them as rubbish, in order that I may gain Christ and be found in him...." Sorry to paraphrase, and I encourage you to read the entire passage, but with permission of the pastor I want to just hit a couple of points and be finished here. 

In 2016 I want to put away fear of losing earthly possessions, of not knowing what's coming next, of the next step in God's Will for my life. By losing everything JENICA, I hope to know my savior even more. By knowing, I don't mean gaining more knowledge, I mean really knowing Him personally and experientially. I want to be found in Christ. I get this image in my head of friends or family coming to look for me, saying "Where's Jenica?", and I get to say "Here I am, you guys! I'm IN Jesus! You should seek Him too!" With all of that being said, I don't want this to sound like an inspirational Joel Osteen-esque (I can't believe he made my blog, yeesh) prosperity message. Heaven is going to be so amazing, but I fully expect and hope to be prepared in 2016 for sadness, heartache, and difficulties in this pursuit of holiness. Life in Christ isn't supposed to be easy, and blessings aren't always what we as humans think of as "happy happy joy joy". I'm still learning this.

To those of you who have once again stuck it out to the end, thank you. Someday you really should get a prize. Until next week.....seriously. May I be found in Him.

PS What goals do you have for 2016? Comment below.
PPS What's your favorite book of the bible to study? Comment below.
Twitter: @jen_being_jen
IG: @jenbeingjen

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