
Saturday, November 14, 2015

About Grace.

Well hey there, everyone (hi Mom); it's been too long since my last post. Fortunately and unfortunately lots of things have been happening. First, I'll give a quick "catch-up" on running and life in general.

I have been running VERY little to allow for some healing of my body as a whole as well as some specific injuries. I won't bore you with the details of the injuries. I got on Pinterest (aka time suck central) and found several "crossfit" style workouts I can do in my garage, so I've transitioned into that type of workout for now and am totally enjoying it. I do miss running, but it's nice to change things up! The only 5K I've done since running in Omaha was a Superhero Run on Halloween with Jace. It was slow for both of us (especially me), but the race raised funds for victims of child abuse, such a worthwhile cause. It was also such a treat to get to hang out with my best friend for a couple of days!

Then, last weekend my parents came down for a visit. How blessed am I; two family weekends in a row! My mom & I love the Sound of Music, so when I got a notification that it was going to be on stage in Dallas, I knew they needed to come hang out with me for the weekend. The show was amazing; my Dad even enjoyed it. See how cultured we are (but we will still opt for sporting events nine times out of 10)! While they were here, my parents also treated me to an early birthday present: a new mattress! Oh, the things we get excited about when we are "grown-ups". 

Now that we're caught up on the little things in my life, I'm gonna get down to what I purposed this post to be about: grace. I have been writing this post in my head for about three weeks and just haven't felt ready, and truthfully I'm still not sure if I'm ready but I'm hoping the right words and thoughts come to fruition as I go.

If you're friends with me on Facebook or follow me on Twitter you probably saw that, a few weeks ago, I had some boxes stolen off my porch. Were they worth tons of money? No. But coming from a town of 300 people where I hadn't really had anything of importance taken from me, this was a big "welcome to the city, small town girl" moment. Through some not-so-tough detective work, I am mostly positive I know where they are but it's not worth my time or efforts to try to retrieve them, and I did end up getting a re-shipment of my items (thanks, Active Gear Up for your outstanding customer service). 

After the events initially occurred, I was ready to pack up my entire house, which I just bought 3 months ago, and move far away to a remote desert island where no one would bother my things again. Thanks to family and friends who know how to talk me down, and some grace from the Holy Spirit, I'm working through it. 

Through the whole situation, I have thought so much about how I am called to forgive those who do wrong to me. I will be very open and say, giving grace to those who go against me is something I have STRUGGLED with my entire life.  In many cases I'd rather just cut off the relationship completely than work through the issue. However, as a Christian, is that what I'm called to do? NOPE.

I found a good article called What is Grace? that explains how God gives grace to us. Let's be honest, I have times where I sin all day every day like it's my job. I am an utter disgrace to Jesus, and often a poor representation of Him. But still, He bestows upon me relentless grace. So why is it so hard for me to do the same to those who wrong me?

I'll tell you why: I'm human, and as I mentioned before, I'm a sinner. God literally sent His Son to die on the cross for my sins, and I'm sitting here harboring anger and bitterness toward people who may say mean words, or take things from me. Does it make what the others do right? No, but how does my testimony look if I speak about Jesus and say, "Oh but by the way I don't like these 37 people because of petty things they did to me 13 years ago"?

With that all being said, I know it is my responsibility to forgive those who do wrong to me, no matter how hard it is. So I pray for a heart full of grace, because look at my life. As the above article mentions, "grace is unconditional love toward those who don't deserve it"... like a hammer over my head, I am smacked with the Truth and completely convicted. I hope ya'll realize how much grace you've been given, and give it out to those who don't deserve it, because frankly the world needs so much more Jesus; and how will that happen if so-called Christians are walking around hoarding God's grace instead of handing it out?

PS Favorite bible verse about grace?
PPS Favorite at-home crossfit/HIIT workout?

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